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Online Haskell to Golang Converter

How to use this tool?

This free online converter lets you convert code from Haskell to Golang in a click of a button. To use this converter, take the following steps -

  1. Type or paste your Haskell code in the input box.
  2. Click on the "Convert" button.
  3. The converted Golang code will be displayed in the output box.


The following are examples of code conversion from Haskell to Golang using this converter. Note that you may not always get the same code since it is generated by an AI language model which is not 100% deterministic and gets updated from time to time.

Example 1 - Is String Palindrome

Program that checks if a string is a palindrome or not.

Haskell Code:

Golang Code:

Example 2 - Even or Odd

A well commented function to check if a number if odd or even.

Haskell Code:

Golang Code:


The following are some key differences between Haskell and Golang.

SyntaxHaskell has a more complex and expressive syntax, with a strong focus on functional programming concepts.Golang has a simpler and more straightforward syntax, with a focus on simplicity and readability.
ParadigmHaskell is a purely functional programming language.Golang is a statically typed, compiled language that supports both procedural and concurrent programming.
TypingHaskell has a strong static type system with type inference.Golang has a static type system with explicit type declarations.
PerformanceHaskell is known for its high performance, especially in terms of memory usage and concurrency.Golang is designed for high performance, with efficient garbage collection and built-in support for concurrency.
Libraries and frameworksHaskell has a smaller ecosystem of libraries and frameworks compared to Golang, but it has a strong focus on correctness and purity.Golang has a large and growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, with a focus on simplicity and efficiency.
Community and supportHaskell has a smaller but dedicated community with strong academic and research ties.Golang has a large and active community with strong industry support.
Learning curveHaskell has a steep learning curve, especially for programmers coming from imperative or object-oriented backgrounds.Golang has a relatively low learning curve, with a simple syntax and a focus on practicality.

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CodeConvert application interface